Friday, December 28, 2012

Remembering my legacy from USA

High above the grounds, amongst the ivory clouds, over the thunderhead lies an ancient backwoods in the solitude of the wilderness con-centering the mighty Himalayas. The legend says that the landscape was created by the creator himself summoning the most privileged architect in his directorate. The fire of faith was illuminated by the gods over the vista creating the abode surrounded by perpetual spirituality in all directions. Over the period of time, the abode became a dwelling place of the devotees creating an emblematic tradition and heritage that ran deep inside the sanctified niche.

The culture mellowed through a history of religious legacies. It has been evolving to this day but it still looks as if the time was frozen in an eternal struggle with the change. A religious sanctuary on the top of the world. The enlightened himself dwelled this land sermonizing tranquility, conciliation, acquiescence & complacency. Where the living goddesses rules the land empowering faith amongst the plebeians. Where the temples & shrines are more in number than are the devotees, where the animals are esteemed as being the next to the deity. Where the temples are the first sight seen when dwelling outside. Blessed by the ancient gods, effigies are as common as the devotees themselves. Where the sun rises harmonizing with the mystifying sound of the morning bell, the meditative vibes fused with the divine sunrays is believed to take one to the gateway between the heaven and the earth. The hymn is believed to be an elixir to all the sufferings, torment and worldly perturbation. It's a call to the savior of the place to take care of its realm.

Never was I ever contemplating on such profound antecedents. Honestly, I have never before truly appreciated the annals of my ancestors and the pristine land they bestowed upon us. The truth today might deviate from what I have conceived above, nevertheless, even if the legend matches a quarter of what I believe, I would still say I am the luckiest person to have such a legacy behind. Today, I have been living in a wonderful country with incredible people and I feel proud to be part of it carrying something of my own.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Trip to the Natural Wonder of the World - The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon trip
Date :- 22nd December 2012
Start destination :- South Maryland Parkway - Las Vegas
End Destination :- South Rim Grand Canyon - Arizona
Travel duration :- 5 hours
City Traveled :- Williams - Arizona
Travellers : Bishal Acharya, Pratik Hada, Ashish Karki, Mahesh Regmee, Kishor Shrestha, Kabindra Shrestha, K.P Shrestha (Joseph), Ravi Sharma, Xurendra Shrestha, Binita Shakya

The myth once said there lies an esoteric world deep beneath the fathomless abyss. Where the mythical creatures ruled the sky, the earth and the water. The awaken woods were a home to the most mystical & malignant creatures confronting with them meant an implausible demise of ones fate. The protectors of the realm were the legendary warriors of the ancient hidden kingdom of Atlantis. However, the kingdom was jinxed with a curse. From the woods it arose within the cimmerian shade. In the darkest night the legion of ghouls, goblins, gargoyles, ogre & Hellions summoned by the abominable leech king of the woods blitzed upon the mystical land.

The legendary guardians of the Zion stood firm to protect it from the besiegers hurling upon to throw rampage on its realm. This marked the prelude to the never ending eternal war between the protectors and besiegers.

Far away in a blissful land aloof from all the turmoil lived a boy blessed he was being raised up in such an environment. But, his fate had a different intent. The harbinger to the inevitable finally arrived when without any clue one day the boy opened his eyes, bewitched by the sight beforehand he found himself in a mystical land. ooh dear ! where am I ? Spellbound by the landscape beforehand, submerged into the deep sea of conviviality he fell within himself. The midst of his deepest excitement was severed when he heard a boisterous flurry advancing towards him at the speed of a phantom. Distraught from the bizarre sound the boy screamed as if hell had impounded upon him.

ooh boy ! It was just the sound of the alarm 5 o'clock in the morning. Relieved as he knew it was just a dream. However, the myth was to become real today. The boy was going to a trip to a mystical land, deep beneath the biggest gorge in the world lied an ancient abyss, million years old. The sanctuary, the natural wonder is a habitat to a mesmerizing vegetation and a wonderful congregation of creatures no less than a mythical dream. The Grand Canyon. Finally, I am there.

Other Trips
Los Angeles Trip April 2012
Utah Trip-Hike 2012
Into the wild - Chitwan national park 2011
Hike To Sarangkot and RSR 2011
My Travel Directory - Places I have been to

Monday, December 24, 2012

वान वे

अतीतका सम्झना,  बिराटनगरको बाल्यकाल,    काठको घर,
सहिदमैदानको क्रिकेट, जलजलाको हिन्दि फिल्म, साउने झरी,
हिलाम्मे रिजालबारी, काली कुकुर्नी, काँचो आपको चोरी,
खद्राको अँध्यारो, खड्डाको माछामारी, बंगालीदादाको चट्पटि,
पेरेभुको सैलुन, पाउनको पसल, सिङग्यामा पौडी,
दशैंको पर्खाई, कालिमंदिरको दर्शन, मामाघरको बसाइ,
सेन्ट जोसेफ स्कुल, एडोल्फ सर, मुलघाटको पिकनिक,
यसयलसीको डर, बिज्ञानको पढाई, बिराटनगरको बिदाइ,
काठमाडौँको यात्रा, बानेश्वरको बसाई, पुल्चोकको हिडाई,
धुलाम्मे सडक, फोहोरको डङ्गुर, टाइफाइडको संक्रमण,
एण्ट्रान्सको असफलता, इंजिनीयरिंगको सिक्षा,
चार बर्से घोकाइ, कपनको बास, एक्जामको त्रास,
रिसल्ट्को पर्खाई, भक्तपुरको जात्रा, जापानको यात्रा,
टिआइएको भद्रगोल, कर्मचारीको व्यवहार, बोइङ्गको सफर,
वाक्कनाईको चिसो, समुद्रको हावा, टोक्योको यात्रा,
काँचो माछा, नेपालको फर्काई, डिटुको जागिर,
टिम बिल्डिंगको रमझम, बन्जीको रोमान्च,
अमेरिकाको सपना,टोफेल र जिआरइ, लस वेगासको रोजाइ
युनयलभीको पढाई, मस्तको घुमाई !

Other Poems

Friday, December 21, 2012


आज क्षण छ अति चंचल, सुन्द्नर, निर्मल, गदगद
फगत यथार्थ होकी पतझरको पात जसलाई व्यक्तिले
गन्दैन,प्रकृतीले पुज्दैन, बायुले जब ती रुखो,
मृतघोसित, अवमंचित, अवमुल्यित ठुलो बेगले
घिसारेर, लडाएर, पछारेर कपासको रुई सरि
भौतारिदै, आकासिदै, गोलचक्कर अज्ञात
गन्तब्यतर्फ़ बिमुख कठै ती निर्जीव, निस्तॆज,
निरस, निस्फिक्री अन्तत भूमिमा एकाकार
ती प्रकृतिरुपी जननी सृजन गर्छिन अर्को चक्कर
जुन कैले सकिदैन,मेटिदैन, मासिदैन, रुक्दैन
- आकासका ग्रह जस्तै वाचाल, घुम्दै, फिर्दै,
गोलाकार, नित्य, निर्भिक यात्रा जसको कुनै
अन्त्य छैन,सिमा छैन, डोर छैन, उत्तर छैन|
कर्कलाको पानि जस्तै चमकदार, निराकार,
चंचल पद्मिनी ती पानीका पद्दमिनी आकारमा
छन् गोल - सौन्दर्य, सितल,योवन, दर्पण,
चितवन नदीका ती सुमन |

Other Poems
वान वे

Thursday, December 20, 2012

अमेरिकामा रहेका भुटानी नेपाली

सन् १९९० को दसक तिर बिदेसिको बिल्ला भिडाएर तत्कालिन भुटानी राजतन्त्रले नेपाली मूल भएका लाखौं भुटानिहरुलाइ उनीहरुको मातृभूमिबाट देशनिकाला गरिदियो, सायद मानव इतिहासमा यति ठुलो संख्यामा देश निकाला गरिएको यो पहिलो घटनाक्रम थियो | लाखौं देश निकाला गरिएकामा थिए कतिपए बृद्धहरु, कति बालबच्चाहरु, कति अपाङ्ग त कति महिलाहरु | त्यस पछि सुरु भयो उनीहरुको कठिन जीवन यात्रा, मानवताको नाताले नेपाल सरकारले उनीहरुलाई शरण त दियो तर आफ्नो नागरिक स्वीकार गरेन | पूर्वी नेपालस्थित रिफ्युजी क्याम्पमा बस्न बिवस ती उत्पिडितहरुको जीवन कुनै पनि हर्सौउल्लास बगैर दसकोउ बित्यो तर नत भुटानले उनीहरुलाई फर्काउन मान्यो ननै नेपालले उनीहरुलाई आफ्नो नागरिक स्वीकार गर्यो |

भनिन्छ समय अत्यन्त गतिशील हुन्छ, हिजो जे थियो त्यसको अस्तित्व ढिलो चाडो नस्ट भएरनै जान्छ र अन्तत सुरु हुन्छ परिवर्तन | परिवर्तन यस अर्थमा कि बिगतको कालो बादललाई चिरेर सुखद भबिस्यको आगमन हुन्छ | इतिहास यस परिवर्तनको गवाह हो, जसरि पटक पटक बिस्वयुद्ध भएर ध्वस्त भएको युरोप र जापानको फेरी उदय भयो त्यसरी नै फेरियो जीवन ती शोषित र पिडितहरुको | वास्तबमा बिनास परिवर्तनको सूचक हो, हिन्दु धर्म अनुसार पनि भगवान शिवले पटक पटक संहार गर्छन र त्यस पछि ब्रम्हाले स्रिस्टि | बैज्ञानिक धारणा अनुसार पनि यो ब्रम्हाण्डको स्रिस्टि एउटा ठुलो बिस्पोट बाट भएको हो |

हाल म संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकास्थित निवाडा प्रान्तको लस वेगासमा अध्ययनको सिलसिलामा छु, यसै सिलसिलामा यहाँ रहेका भुटानी नेपालीहरु संग भेट हुने सन्जोग भयो | हिजो आफ्नो देश बाट ठगिएका ती व्यक्तिहरु आज निकै खुशी देख्छु ,उनीहरुका नानीहरुले संसारकै उत्क्रिस्ट सिक्षा आर्जन गरिरहेका छन्, सरणार्थी सिविरको कस्टकर जीवनबाट अन्तत सुनौलो भबिस्यतिर उन्मुख भएका छन् उनीहरु | यसबाट पनि पुस्टि हुन्छ गीताले भनेका सान्धर्विक कुराहरु "जे हुनु थियो राम्रैका लागि भयो, जे भईरहेको छ राम्रोका लागि भईरहेको छ" अमेरिकामा हजारौको संख्यामा रहेका भुटानी नेपालीहरुको रहनसहन र भाषा नेपालीहरुसंग मिल्ने भएकोले पनि नेपालीहरुसंग उनीहरुको घुलमिल हुने गरेको छ | जुन जेनेरेशन अहिले अमेरिका आइपुगेका छन् ती भबिस्यमा अमेरिकी नागरिक हुनेछन् त्यसपछि निश्चित रुपमा उनीहरुले माग्नेछन उत्तर ती भुटानी सासकहरुबाट जसले उनीहरुको मानबिय अधिकारबाट उनीहरुलाई दसकोउ सम्म कुण्ठित गराइदिए | त्यति बेला त्यो प्रस्न निकै कठोर हुनेछ किन भने त्यतिबेला उनीहरु नेपाली मुलका कमजोर भुटानी नागरिक हैन कानुनी रूपमा अमेरिकी नागरिक हुनेछन | यो प्रस्नको उत्तर हालका भुटानी सासकहरुले सोची राखे उनीहरुको लागि उत्तम हुनेछ |

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

त्रिभुवन अन्तरास्ट्रिय विमानस्थल काठमाडौँ नेपाल समस्या र समाधान

नेपाल छिर्ने कुनै पनि देशी विदेशी यात्रुको प्रथम गन्तव्यस्थल हो काठमाडौँ स्थित त्रिभुवन अन्तरास्ट्रिय विमानस्थल | यथार्थमा भन्नु पर्दा नेपाल छिर्ने एकमात्र विमानस्थल हुनुनै यसको पहिचान र समग्रमा भन्नु पर्दा यसको बिसेषता हो ,यद्यपि एउटा नेपाली भएर यसको दुर्गुणहरुको बारेमा चर्चा गर्नु पर्दा मलाई खुशी भन्दा दुख बढी लागिरहेको छ | समाजको वर्ग संघर्ष एवं परिवर्तन प्रति बिश्वाश गर्नु हुने पाठकहरुले यो लेखलाई यस विमानस्थलप्रतिको मेरो बित्रिष्णा भन्दा पनि यसको उन्नतिप्रतिको मेरो व्यक्तिगत चाहना एवं यहाँ स्थित विसंगति हटाउने एउटा प्रयत्नको रूपमा लिइदिनुहुनेछ भन्ने आशा गर्दछु |

सन् २००८ डिसेम्बर मेरो जापानको पहिलो यात्रा, नेपाल बन्दको हल्लाले गर्दा निकै कस्टका साथ् एयरपोर्ट आइपुगियो | नेपाली मौलिकता झल्काउने आँखीझ्याल भएको काठको जस्तो देखिने गेट निकै सान्धर्विक लाग्यो, टिआइए संगको पहिलो भेट निकै राम्रो भयो, अलिक भित्र पुगेपछि केहि सिपाहीहरुले मेरो फुफु र दिदीलाई भित्र जान मिल्दैन, आमाबाबु मात्र जानु भने, उदेक लाग्यो नियम होला भनेर चित्त बुझाए, उता अरु ट्याक्सीहरु भने निर्धक्क भित्र गईरहेका थिए,अलिक भित्र पुग्दा फेरी भिन्दै परिवेश पाए, मैलो लुगा लगाएका प्रहरीका सिपाहीले पासपोर्ट हेरेपछि भित्र छिर्न दिए, भित्र पट्टिको भद्रगोलमा हात बाँधेर गमक्क परेर हिडिरहेका कर्मचारीहरु देखिन्थे मानम स्वर्गरुपी यस इन्द्रप्रस्तका युधिस्ठिर यिनै हुन् | पहिलोचोटी विदेश जान लागेकोले खासै छक्क त परिन त्यहिपनि टिकेट चेकइन गरेर इम्मिग्रेशनतिर लागियो | अधबैसे कर्मचारीहरुले भरिएको एउटा ठाउँ पुगियो, कागजहरु छरपस्ट थिए र लेख्ने कलमको कुनै बन्दोवस्त थिएन, एकछिन पछि सेक्युरिटी चेकमा पुगियो, त्यहाँका प्रहरीहरु मानों सताब्दी देखि कहिले हाँसेका थिएनन्, झर्किएर केहि प्रस्न सोधे र जान दिए | बोर्डिंग गर्ने ठाउँ निकै सानो थियो र मान्छेहरु धेरै, रेस्टरुम जानु पर्यो भनेर भित्र गको त एकछिन त झसङ्ग भए | देशको एक मात्र अन्तरास्ट्रिय विमानस्थलको रेस्टरुम कुनै फोहोर फाल्ने कन्टेनर जस्तै थियो, पर्यटकहरु नाक थुन्दै बाहिर निस्किदै थिए.

जसो तसो जहाज उड्यो र पुगियो कोरिया, टिआइएबाट कोरियाको इन्चियोंन एयरपोर्ट पुगेपछि अनुभूति भयो एयरपोर्ट यस्तो पो हुने रैछ, मित्रवस कर्मचारी, हसिला प्रहरी र सफा एवं व्यवस्थित रेस्टरुम, मानम म कुनै स्वर्ग पुगेको थिए | त्यहाँबाट जापानको साप्पोरो एयरपोर्ट पुगियो त्यहाँ पनि उही व्यवस्थित परिवेश र फरासिला कर्मचारी | त्यसबेला मलाई अनुभूति भयो कि टिआइएको समस्या निकै गम्भीर रहेछ र यसले सम्पूर्ण देशकै प्रतिस्ठामा आंच पुर्यायिरहेको छ | समय बितेर सन् २०१० पुग्दा पढाई सकेर जापानबाट नेपाल फर्किनलागे, फर्किदाको अनुभब अझै खराब रहयो, अध्यागमनको कर्मचारीको नमिठो बोलि सुन्दै आफ्नो देश पस्नु पर्यो त्योपनि बिना कुनै कसूर | नेपालमा बस्दा त्यस्तो कुनै महिना हुदैनथ्यो जब टिआइएको खबर सुन्नु परेन होला, कहिले कर्मचारीको चोरी र भ्रस्टाचार त कहिले प्रहरीको तस्करी, कहिले यात्रुहरुको सास्ती त कहिले बिदेसिहरुको गुनासो, समय यसरिनै बितिरहयो तर टिआइएमा परिवर्तन आएन | समय बितेर सन् २०११ पुग्यो र म फेरी टिआइएमा आइपुगे, पढ्नलाइ भनेर अमेरिका जान लागेको थिए, यसपाली भने गेट फेरिएको थियो कतैबाट पनि कुनै मौलिकता नझल्किने, हनुमानको मुर्तिमा लगाइने रंगको अनाकर्सक गेट बनाइएको थियो | भित्रपट्टी पुग्दा फेरी पनि त्यहाँ अवस्थित खराब आचरण भएका प्रहरीको हप्काई खानु पर्यो, यस पाली चै पहिला जस्तो आफन्तलाई गेटमा रोकेनन्, किन होला ? यसको उत्तर मसंग छैन | सौचालय जस्ताको त्यस्तै, बोर्डिंग गर्ने ठाउँ त्यस्तै साँगुरो, अध्यागमनमा पहिला जस्तै अधबैसे कर्मचारी, प्रहरी पहिला जस्तै अमिजासिला | समय मात्र परिवर्तन भयो तर टिआइएमा केहि परिवर्तन आएन गेट बाहेक, अहिले पनि घर फर्किने सोचे भने सुरुमा मगजमा आउछ त्यहि टिआइए |

यो त भए समस्या मात्र अनि समाधान के त ? समस्या बाट भागेर अथवा समस्यालाई नजरअन्दाज गरेर कुनै समस्याको समाधान हुदैन, यो एउट ध्रुब सत्य हो तर संगसंगै बास्तविकता के पनि हो भने समस्या एकदम जटिल छ र समाधान सरल छैन | वास्तवमा टिआइएको समस्या एउटा एयरपोर्टको मात्र समस्या हैन यो समस्या त हामी भित्र लुकेर रहेको मानबिय स्वभाबको हो जुन छ हाम्रो समाजमा, हाम्रो संस्कारमा र समस्याको समाधानको मूल पाटो भनेकै हाम्रो समाजको परिवर्तन मात्र हो | समाज ले व्यक्ति उत्पन्न गर्दछ र व्यक्तिले बिचार र साथसाथै आचार, संस्कार, नैतिकता, जवाफदेहिता र कर्तब्यनिस्ठा पनि | बैज्ञानिक रुपमा पनि समाज गतिशील हुन्छ र पृथ्वीको भुगर्व जस्तै यसले पनि काँचुली फेरी रहन्छ | बिचारमा परिवर्तनले समग्र रुपमा समाजमा रहेका विसंगतिलाई प्रहार गर्दछ, टिआइएको समस्याको समाधानको एउटा कडी यहि नै हो | हुनत बिचार व्यक्तिमा हुने कुरा भयो तदनुरूप खराब आचार भएका कर्मचारी र प्रहरी लाई कारवाही गरेर पनि केहि रूपमा टिआइएको समस्या समाधान गर्न सकिन्छ तर यो समाधान दिर्घकालिन हुन सक्दैन किन भने मानबिय स्वभाब भनेकै यस्तो हुन्छ जुन जति दबायो त्यतिनै भड्किने सम्भावना रहन्छ त्यसैले टिआइएको समस्या भनेको हाम्रो समाजकै समस्याको एउटा पाटो हो र मेरो बिचारमा यो यथास्थितिमा समाधान हुन सक्दैन | समाजको परिवर्तन नै यसको परिवर्तनको कडी हो |

भने पछि घुमीफिरी फेरी गोलचक्करमा पुगियो, यो प्रस्नको समाधान पनि प्रश्नैमा रहयो त ?

बैज्ञानिक रुपले बिस्लेषण गर्दा पनि परिवर्तन नभई नहुने चिज भएकोले टिआइएको स्वरुप परिवर्तन पनि अन्ततग्यत हुनुनै छ यद्यपि कुनै पनि परिवर्तनको लागि आधारसिला तयार हुनु जरुरि छ, नेपालमा पनि त्यसको आधारसिला तयार हुने अवस्थामा छ, सामाजिक, राजनैतिक एवं सांस्कारिक परिवर्तनको, केवल समय मात्र धेरै लागिरहेको छ | भनिञ्छ दियो निभ्ने बेलामा अत्याधिक मात्रामा बल्ने गर्दछ, सोहि नियमानुसार परिवर्तनको अहिलेको घडीमा हाम्रो देशमा पनि समस्याको चांग थुप्रिएको अवस्ता हो | यहि चांग मा पर्दछ टिआइए |

Other Articles

साला यो नेताहरुले गर्दा डिप्रेसन जस्तो खतरा रोगनै लागिसक्यो
अमेरिकामा रहेका भुटानी नेपाली

Saturday, July 28, 2012

लक्ष्मीप्रसाद देवकोटा द्वारा रचिएको पागल कबिता

जरूर साथी म पागल !
यस्तै छ मेरो हाल।
म शब्दलाई देख्दछु !
दृश्यलाई सुन्दछु !
बासनालाई संबाद लिन्छु।
आकाशभन्दा पातला कुरालाई छुन्छु।
ती कुरा, जसको अस्तित्व लोक मान्दैंन
जसको आकार संसार जान्दैन !
म देख्दछु, ढुङ्गालाई फूल !
जब, जलकिनारका जल चिप्ला ती,
कोमलाकार, पाषाण,चाँदनीमा,
स्वर्गकी जादूगर्नी मतिर हाँस्दा,
पत्रिएर, नर्मिएर, झल्किएर,
बल्किएर, उठ्दछन् मूक पागलझैँ,
फूलझैँ- एक किसिमका चकोर फूल !
म बोल्दछु तिनसँग, जस्तो बोल्दछन् ती मसँग
एक भाषा, साथी !
जो लेखिन्न, छापिन्न, बोलिन्न,
बुझाइन्न, सुनाइन्न।
जुनेली गङ्गा-किनार छाल आउँछ तिनको भाषा
साथी ! छाल छाल !
जरुर साथी म पागल !
यस्तै छ मेरो हाल !
तिमी चतुर छौ, वाचाल !
तिम्रो शुद्ध गणित सूत्र हरहमेशा चलिरहेको छ
मेरो गणितमा एकबाट एक झिके
एकै बाँकी रहन्छ !
तिमी पाँच इन्द्रियले काम गर्छौ,
म छैटौँले !
तिम्रो गिदी छ साथी !
मेरो मुटु।
तिमी गुलाफलाई गुलाफ सिवाय देख्न सक्तैनौ,
म उसमा हेलेन र पद्मिनी पाउँछु,
तिमी बलिया गद्य छौ !
म तरल पद्य छु !
तिमी जम्दछौ जब म पग्लन्छु,
तिमी सँग्लन्छौ जब म धमिलो बन्छु,
र ठीक त्यसैका उल्टो !
तिम्रो संसार ठोस छ।
मेरो बाफ !
तिम्रो बाक्लो, मेरो पातलो !
तिमी ढुङ्गालाई वस्तु ठान्दछौ,
ठोस कठोरता तिम्रो यथार्थ छ।
म सपनालाई समात्न खोज्दछु,
जस्तो तिमी, त्यो चिसो, मीठो अक्षर काटेको
पान्ढीकीको बाटुलो सत्यलाई !
मेरो छ वेग काँडाको साथी !
तिम्रो सुनको र हीराको !
तिमी पहाडलाई लाटा भन्दछौ,
म भन्छु वाचाल।
जरुर साथी।
मेरो एक नशा ढिलो छ।
यस्तै छ मेरो हाल !

Monday, June 04, 2012

Los Angeles Trip April 2012

Participants :- Bishal Acharya, Nishikar sapkota, Dinesh Bajracharya, Anjana Shakya, Umang Amatya, Krishna Prasad Shrestha

Start destination Las Vegas Nevada : Bus stop at Ballys Hotel & casino
Target Destination : Downtown Los Angeles California

Having lived in Las Vegas for quite a few months. The harbinger, Spring break, has finally arrived calling for a change. This break we have planned to visit Los Angeles in California.

Venues selected to make a trip :

Universal studios Hollywood
Downtown Los Angeles
Santa Monica Beach
Venice Beach

The pick of the spot was undoubtedly Universal Studios.

House Of Horrors
Shreak 4d
Terminator 3d
Simpsons Ride
Jurassic Park
King Kong 3D
Universal Studios Ride
Water World
Animal World
Revenge of the Mummy : The indoor Roller Coaster

We opted to book a hotel in Inglewood California . Although an hour drive to Hollywood it suited us simply because it was cheap. However, the location failed to catch our attention because the place looked rustic full of people with shabby clothes. I did not expect the first impression of California to be this. However, we were hopeful that things would be far better the next day at Universal Studios. To my surprise at inglewood restaurants were all shut down by 10 o'clock. The next day we took a bus to Hollywood. We could at least thank GPS in our cell phones without which we could have been in trouble locating bus stations and our destination. Universal studios was simply awesome. We had a lot of fun. The place was an inspiration to people who admire science. I simply loved the virtual reality of Simpsons ride. King Kong 3D and Jurassic park were also awesome. I don't get enough words admiring people who have made this amazing place for entertainment. All of us got a chill in our spines when we fell vertically down in the Jurassic park fall more than 100 ft high. Although I was expecting Revenge of the Mummy to be an outdoor Roller Coaster, It was not. It was a speedy indoor roller coaster. It was fun considering Umang who had kept his eyes shut throughout.

After Universal studios, the next day we went to santa monica beach. It was also a very good experience for all of us. Considering whatever fun we had in these two days, I wished my country Nepal although naturally rich  had some places like Universal Studios.

Returned back to Las Vegas after an exciting two days trip in LA.

Los Angeles

Other Trips
Los Angeles Trip April 2012
Utah Trip-Hike 2012
Into the wild - Chitwan national park 2011
Hike To Sarangkot and RSR 2011

My Travel directory : Places I have been to

Traveling is fun. Most of the people like to travel and I am a no objection to this. I have started this post so that I could write down the places I have visited. Few decades after, I think this article would be the one I shall cherish the most.

Although, traveling has been my passion, I haven't had the opportunity till date to travel to many parts of the world that has remained in my mind as dreams.  When I was a child, I regret I was unable to do any traveling at all. I was born in a city called Biratnagar in Nepal and I did not even go to other city until I was 10 years of age when I made my debut of traveling to a different city called Dharan in Nepal. Kathmandu the capital city of Nepal was on the lucky cards when I got a chance to witness her when I was studying in class seven. My cousins marriage was the auspicious occasion why I made that trip. I still remember catching a black Tampu in kalanki [ The Tampu I regret has perished from the history ] upto Baneshwor.

So, Here I am at Kathmandu. It was really fun and as a 11 year old boy, I enjoyed each and every moment I witnessed there. I still remember those days as clear as a crystal. So, my travel history thus started. I went to eastern part of Nepal Jhapa to attend my mama's wedding during same time. Now was the time I had to make some serious travel. I went to Japan in 2008 when I was 23 years of age. The midway destination to japan was Incheon Korea, the transit place for my destination.This was my first international travel. While in Japan I lived in Wakkanai, Hokkaido but also traveled to Rumoi, Soya Misaki, Sapporo and Tokyo. I returned back to Nepal on 2009 but was lucky again to step in Hongkong on the way.

Although I have been to India, I don't want to include it as my international travel because India was too close to my city. We used to go to an Indian town called Gojbani in bicycle when we were children's.

Here I am back to Nepal. Although two years from now, I would not make any international travel but I did make some wonderful travels in Nepal while working in D2Hawkeye Services Pvt Ltd. I went to Chitwan, Dhulikhel, Pokhara, KavrePalanchowk, SindhuPalchowk. I also did my first Bungy jump during this time above the Bhotekoshi river. Now, on January 9 2012, I am at Tribhuwan International airport KTM waiting for Qatar airways flight to Doha Qatar. I am on my way to United States, the country I had dreamt of going to. Doha airport was fun as there were many Nepali workers there. Seemed like a mini Nepal to me. The next transit being one of my favorite countries Germany. This is another country I really dream of exploring. I stepped in Frankfurt but could not explore its history. 

From Germany, I took a flight of Delta Airlines to United States. Michigan was officially the first state in USA that I stepped on. So here starts the states count. I shall try to preserve the states and city I have been to in United states.

1st state : Michigan [Detroit] 2012 January

2nd state : Nevada - Las Vegas [The Sin City I have been living in]
Places in Nevada : Cities : Las Vegas | Boulder City | Henderson Red Rock Canyon : December 2012 | Valley of Fire : November 2012 | Mount Charleston : December 2012 & January 2011 | Hoover Dam | Lake Mead | Wynn Resorts | Encore | Bellagio | Caesars Palace | Venetian | Excalibur | Luxor | Mandalay Bay | New York New York | Planet Hollywood | Bally's | Flamingo | Cosmopolitan | Aria Rosorts & casino | Rio | Palazzo | Treasure Island

3rd State : Arizona [Hoover Dam] 2012 March

Williams City Arizona
Grand Canyon : December 22 2012

4th state : California
Los Angeles [I went there in 2012 Spring : Universal studios, Santa Monica Beach, Inglewood]
Death Valley : 27 December 2012
5th State : Utah - St. George & Zion National Park 2012 May
6th state :
7th state :
Oregon : Portland, Pendleton
8th state :
Washington : Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Spokane, kent
9th state :
Texas : Houston, Dallas 10th state :
Illinois : Chicago, Naperville 11h state :
Indiana : Indiana Sand Dunes 12th state :
Wisconsin : Wis Dells 13th state :
Michigen : Lake Superior, Holland 14th state :
Missouri : St. Louis, Meramec Caverns 15th state :
Kansas : Kansas city 16th state :
Pennsylvania : Harrisburg, Hersheys 17th state :
New Jersey : 18th state :
New York : New York City 19th state :
Virginia : Washington DC 20th state :
Maryland : Baltimore 21st state :
California : Orange County, Irvine and the counter goes on... Serious Travel destinations on the cards are listed below. I would be happy If someone can advise me some really good pristine traveling places.

1. Iceland
2. England
3. Germany
4. Galapagos-Equador
5. Egypt - The pyramids
6. Italy - Venice & Sicily
7. maldives - Islands

I wish the counter moves ahead........

Program to calculate number of digits in an integer & sum of numbers of an integer

The following C++ program calculates the the number of digits in a given integer and the sum of all digits of an integer.

 #include <iostream>  
 #include <cmath>  
 using namespace std;  
 /*@author Bishal Acharya  
 The idea of summing the numbers in an integer is to take  
 a division of the number from ones to final units of the number  
 and then take a modulo against 10*/  
 class SumOfInteger {  
  int number;  
  public :  
  int getSummation(int);   
  int numberOfDigits(int);  
 /*Gets the number of digits in an integer. Have to make  
 sure that we dont calculate log value of 0 */  
 int SumOfInteger::numberOfDigits(int number){  
  int digits = 0;  
  digits = floor(log10(abs (number != 0 ? number :1))) +1;  
  return digits;  
 /*Returns the sum of numbers in an integer*/  
 int SumOfInteger::getSummation(int number){  
  int noOfDigits;  
  noOfDigits = numberOfDigits(number);  
  int sum =0;  
  int power =0;  
  for(int i=0; i< noOfDigits; i++){      
   power = pow(10,i);  
   sum = sum + (number / power) % 10;  
  return sum;  
 int main(){   
  int number = 0;  
  cout << "Enter the number :";  
  cin >> number;  
  int sum =0;  
  SumOfInteger sumObj;  
  sum = sumObj.getSummation(number);  
  cout << "The sum of the integer numbers :" << sum << endl;  

Output of the given program :-
Enter the number : 123
The sum of the integer numbers : 6

Alternative program to calculate number of digits in an number :-

 using namespace std;  
 int main(){  
  int number = 0;  
  cout << "Enter the number" << endl;  
  cin >> number;  
  int count;  
  while(number !=0){  
    number = number/10;  
  cout << "The number of digits in the number is :" << count;  

Program to reverse the digits in the given number. For eg :- if given number is 123 then the reversed value should be 321

 using namespace std;  
 int main(){  
   int number = 0;  
   cout <<"enter the number :"<< endl;  
   cin >> number;  
   int reverse = 0;  
   while(number !=0){  
     reverse = reverse*10 + number%10;  
     number = number%10;  
 cout <<"The reversed number is :" << reverse;  

Benchmarks in Java program : Time it took to calculate number of digits in a number with log approach and with while loop approach.

 public static void main(String[] args) {  
           int number = 0;  
           int temp = 0;  
           Random rnd = new Random();  
           int range = 1;  
           while (range < 10) {  
                number = rnd.nextInt();  
                temp = number;  
                System.out.print("Number :" + number + "TimeWhile :");  
                // approach with while loop  
                int count = 0;  
                long now = System.nanoTime();  
                while (number != 0) {  
                     number = number / 10;  
                System.out.print((System.nanoTime() - now) / 1000);  
                now = System.nanoTime();  
                double count1 = (Math.log10(Math.abs(temp) == 0 ? 1 : temp)) + 1;  
                System.out.print(": Timelogarithmic :" + (System.nanoTime() - now)  
                          / 1000);  

Output benchmark for 10 random numbers:-

 Number :279590619TimeWhile :2: Timelogarithmic :40  
 Number :878851661TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :3  
 Number :1617859989TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :3  
 Number :195513660TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :7  
 Number :2024673675TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :3  
 Number :478104225TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :3  
 Number :417156389TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :3  
 Number :-104604112TimeWhile :1: Timelogarithmic :3  
 Number :-516925116TimeWhile :3: Timelogarithmic :4  

The benchmark with Java program suggests that while loop approach of dividing the number by 10 each time gives a better response than using the inbuilt logarithmic and absolute functions.

See More :-
Game Of Pigs in C++
swapping two numbers without using the third one

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Utah Trip-Hike

Hike in Zion National park


Hikers :- Bishal Acharya, Nishikar Sapkota, Krishna Prasad Shrestha, Umang Amatya, Dinesh Bajracharya, Pinthep, Dinesh Kandel, Anjana Shakya, Sushma Tiwari, Eleeza Shrestha, Suchan lamichane

Gathering Venue : Ashton Park Apartment, Las Vegas Nevada
Departure Venue : Zion National Park, Utah
Departure Time : 6 am 

Notable moments :-

1. Breakfast at Subway : St George Utah
2. Hike to hidden canyon
3. weeping Rock
4. Emerald pool
5. Walk in the river
6. Lunch in National park
7. Dinner at Taco Bell  [Grilled Chicken Burrito]

This was supposedly the first hike of my life in USA. We were supposed to make a trip to Utah. On the outset of the trip, We were to gather at Umang's apartment in Ashton park. Although, I have been to numerous hike in Nepal, this counts as one of the special one because it was my first madain hike in USA. Witnessing Awesome terrain of Red Canyon and phenomenal landscapes marked the prelude of our trip. 

The most reminiscing part of our trip were almost a kilometer river walk and a two hour steep climbing up the hidden canyon. Although, most of us made to the mouth of the hidden canyon only three of us made to the arches [Nishikar, KPS & myself]

Some of the memories captured through photography :- 

Returned back from the trip at 11 o'clock in the evening. Hope to go to Utah once again. This part of our trip was full of fun and adventure. Lets hope future has to offer us more :)

Other Trips
Los Angeles Trip April 2012
Utah Trip-Hike 2012
Into the wild - Chitwan national park 2011
Hike To Sarangkot and RSR 2011

साला यो नेताहरुले गर्दा डिप्रेसन जस्तो खतरा रोगनै लागिसक्यो

हेर्दा हेर्दै यी नेताहरुले संविधानसभा पनि भंग गरेरनै छाडे । मुलुकला जैलेपनि भुमरी मा जाकेर आफ्नो टपरी भर्ने यी नेताहरुको अभिप्राय यसपाली पनि उदांगो भएको छ ।  के के न होला भनेर २०६२/६३ को आन्दोलन मा नाराबाजी लगायियो ? आखिर यहि नै हुनु थियो । वाक्क दिक्क लागेर नेपालमा कैले केहि नहोला जस्तो भएर विदेशतिर लागियो । जैले समाचार हेर्यो उही नेताहरुको गन्थन मात्र. लाग्छ कि यो देशमा यी फटाहा नेताहरु बाहेक अरु केहि पनि छैन । बिषेश खबर जैले पनि झगडा एक अर्का प्रति बिष बमन ।  न कुनै आर्थिक खबर न नै बिकास निर्माणका प्रसंग. घिनलाग्दो त्यहि पुरानो नेताहरुको अनैतिक बिचार र फोहोरी अनुहार । आज त केहि नयाँ समाचार होला भनेर पत्र पत्रिका खोल्यो उही दुई दुई ठाउँ चुनाब हारेको माधब नेपाल अर्का फेरी चुनाब हारेका तर भाग्य खुलेर कांग्रेश सभापति हुन पुगेका ८ क्लास पढेका अर्ध-सिक्षित सुशील कोइरालाको  भाषण, रमाइला कुरा गर्न माहिर तर जैले झुट को खेति गर्ने हाम्रा महान माओबादी अध्यक्ष श्री पुष्प कमल दाहालका जनतालाइ फेरी बेवकुफ बनाउने प्रसंगहरु । के यी व्यक्ति हरु मात्र हुन् नेपाली हरु को भाग्य मा ? कैले सम्म हामिहरुले यिनीहरुलाई सहनु पर्ने ? कैले सम्म यिनीहरु नै सर्वोपरी रहने ?  कैले सम्म हामीले दिनको सुरुवात यिनीहरुको अनुहार हेरर सुरु गर्नु पर्ने ? के नेपालमा नैतिकताको खडेरी लागेकै हो त ? कैले सम्म डिप्रेसन मा रही रहने हामी नेपाली जनताहरु ?

स्थम्ब भनिने प्रेसको पनि कम हात छैन हामीलाई यो रोग सराउनमा भलै नेता भनाउदाहरु यसको जननी किन न  हुन् । हुन त २०६२-६३ तिर एक जना साथी ले मलाई भन्थियो नेपाल को उन्नति हुने वाला छैन तर आफु परियो आशावादी मान्छे, सोचिएको थियो कि नयाँ सामाजको बिकाशक्रमको नयाँ अध्याय सुरु भयो नेपालमा पनि तर अहिले आएर त्यो आशा को किरण बुझेर विकिरण मा परिणत भएको छ राम्रो को त के आशा गर्नु नराम्रो मा पनि संसार मै रेकर्ड कायम हुन पुगेको छ अहिले मेरो देश नेपाल ।

मैले त आशा मारी सके
९ अर्ब खर्चेर के के न गर्लान भनेर अर्ध सिक्षित, अनपढ, चुनाब हारेका, अनेकौ अपराध एवं भ्रस्टाचार मा लागेकाहरुलाई पनि स्थान दिएर संविधानसभा बनायोउ, अन्त्य मा हात्ती आयो हात्ती आयो फुस्सा । पैसा को त कुरा छाडीदिम, चार चार बर्ष अमुल्य समय खेर गयो, त्यो बितेको समय कसरी फर्काउने ? देश कति पछाडी धकलियो ? छ उत्तर कोइ नेताहरु संग ? एक त संसार कै सबै भन्दा गरिब भनाउदो मुलुक, त्यो समय कति मुल्यवान बन्न सक्थियो होला यदि राम्ररी सदुप्रयोग गर्न सकिएको भए ।

मेरो व्यक्तिगत बिमति नेताहरु संग मात्र हैन, नेपाली जनता प्रति पनि छ, देशको बर्तमान परिस्थितिको जिम्मेवारी हामी आफुले लिनु पर्दछ । फेरी पनि आउनेछन उही चुनाब हारेका बरिस्ठ नेता भनाउदा ढुलमुले माधब नेपाल, अर्का
पुर्व चुनाब हारेका सभापति सुशील कोइराला, १७ चोटी हारेका तर प्रधानमन्त्रीको जप अहिले पनि नछाडेका रामचन्द्र पौडेल, जनता ठगेका प्रचण्ड, धमिलो पानि पारेर अपराध को खेति गर्ने के पी ओली, बिचारको खडेरी परेका एवं बारम्बार पार्टी बिसर्जन गरेका विजय गच्छादार, सुडान काण्डका नाइके भिम रावल तथा कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौला, देवी प्रसादको चड्कन चाखेका झलनाथ खनाल, रुबेलकि सासु सुजाता कोइराला, भ्रस्टाचारमा चुर्लुम्म डुबेका मधेसी नेताहरु एवं अरु पार्टीका नेतारुपी भेष ओडेका ब्वाँसोहरु । खबरदार नेपालीहरु  बिगतमा जस्तै यसपाली पनि यी ब्वाँसोहरुको जालमा फस्योउ भने नेपाल र नेपालीहरुको भबिष्य अन्धकार बाहेक केहि हुने छैन । यिनीहरु फेरी पनि झूटको खेति गर्न पक्कै आउने छन् यदि फेरी यिनीहरुनै चुनिने हुन् भने हाम्रो सन्ततिहरुले हामीलाई कहिले माफ गर्ने छैनन् ।

अहिलेको पृष्ठभूमि एवं बिगतको कमीकमजोरीको समिक्षा गर्ने हो भने बास्तवमा जैलेसम्म हामी नेपालीहरुमा आफ्नो कर्मप्रति निष्ठा एवं व्यवहारप्रति नैतिकताको प्रस्फुटन हुदैन हाम्रो समाजको सुध्रिदिकरण एवं अग्रगमन सम्भब छैन। यो नै बिज्ञान हो नैतिकताको खडेरी परेको यस मुलुकमा अहिले एकलब्य, युधिष्ठिर, मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्रीराम जस्ता अग्रजहरुको जीवनी बाट पाठ सिक्नु अपरिहार्य बनेको छ । देशको प्रारम्भिक स्कूलदेखि बिश्वबिध्यालयसम्मको पाठ्यक्रममा नैतिक शिक्षा जस्तो बिषय राख्नु निवर्तमान समस्याको समाधानमा एउटा कडी हुन सक्छ । हालको शिक्षा प्रणाली बाट हटाईएको यस बिषयलाइ पुनर्स्थापना गर्नु को विकल्प छैन ।

अन्त्यमा  देशको
अवस्था जस्तोसुकै भएपनि आफ्नो जन्मभूमि आफुलाई प्यारो नै हुदो रहेछ, मेरो लेख पनि एक आम नेपालीको आफ्ना नेताहरुप्रतिको बितृष्णा मात्र हो, उनीहरुले हामि माथि गरेको कुठाराघातको आक्रोश मात्र हो । नेताहरुको प्रसङ्ग सुन्नै मन नपर्ने यस समयमा पनि नेताहरुको बारेमा लेख्नु पनि आफैमा बिरोधावासपुर्ण हुनसक्छ, पाठकहरु ले यसको समालोचन गर्नु होला  । जय नेपाल ।

Friday, June 01, 2012

Game of Pig program in C++

Game of Pig in C++

The following program simulates game of Pig between a human and a computer. Human player starts first and rolls a six faced dice. If the output of a dice is between 2 to 6, he is allowed to roll it again until he chooses to hold. If he holds then the total sum of his rolls is added to his total score and the turn is passed to the computer. If the output of the dice is 1 then his turn ends immediately and he earns a 0 score in this turn. Rolling a 1 after rolling any number wont let any points to add to his total..

When in computer's turn, It keeps on rolling until it's total sum of the rolls becomes greater than or equal to 20. The computer's score is then added to his total score. After this it stops and turn passes to human user. In between the roll if the computer rolls a 1 then his turn ends immediately without adding any points to his total score and the turn subsequently passes to the human user. 

This process continues until one of the user reaches a total score of 100 points at which it wins the game. This program is a simple console based C++ program which exits when any user reaches the total score of 100 or more first.

The program simulates Rolling of a dice by a generating a Random Number from 1 to 6 by using standard rand function of C++

  * @author Bishal Acharya   
  * A simple program implementing Game Of Pigs where, first player   
  * to reach a total of 100 points wins the game.Players take a turn   
  * in rolling a dice containing six sides.   
 #include <iostream>  
 #include <ctime>  
 #include <cstdlib>  
 #define LIMIT 100  
 using namespace std;  
 class GameOfPigs1 {   
  int randomRoll;  
  int humanTotal;  
  int computerTotal;  
  int turn;  
  int roll;  
  char select;  
  string wins;  
  void initialize(int value, int humanTotalScore, int computerTotalScore);  
  int humanTurn(int);  
  int computerTurn(int);  
  int getRandomNumber();  
 GameOfPigs1 gameObj;  
 /*constructor initializing turn to 0 means human turn */  
 void GameOfPigs1::initialize(int value,int humanTotalScore,int computerTotalScore){  
  gameObj.turn = value;  
  gameObj.humanTotal = humanTotalScore;  
  gameObj.computerTotal = computerTotalScore;  
 /* Function that handles single turn for human user*/   
 int GameOfPigs1::humanTurn(int humanTotalScore){  
    int tempScore = 0;  
    cout << endl;  
    cout << "**************************************************************" << endl;       
    cout << "Human Player's turn :" << endl;  
    cout << "Press r|R to Roll the dice or h|H to Hold :";  
    cin >> select;     
    while(select != 'h' || select != 'H'){       
      roll = gameObj.getRandomNumber();  
      cout << "Number Rolled by Human :" << roll << endl;  
      if(roll == 1){  
       tempScore = 0;  
       gameObj.turn = 1;  
       return 0;  
      tempScore = tempScore + roll;  
      cout << "Temporary Score of Human in this Roll is : " << tempScore;  
      cout << " | ";  
      cout << "Total Score if Halt :" << gameObj.humanTotal + tempScore << endl;  
      if(gameObj.humanTotal + tempScore >= LIMIT){  
       cout << "Human Wins. Hurray !"<< endl;  
       cout << "Computer Total :" << gameObj.computerTotal << " Human Total :" << gameObj.humanTotal + tempScore << endl;  
      cout << "Press r|R to Roll the dice or h|H to Hold :";  
      cin >> select;  
      if(select == 'h' || select == 'H'){       
       gameObj.turn = 1;  
       return tempScore;  
 /*Function that handles single turn for computer*/  
 int GameOfPigs1::computerTurn(int computerTotalScore){  
    int tempScore =0;  
    cout << endl;  
    cout << "**************************************************************" << endl;       
    cout<< "Computer's turn - Computer's Temporary Score for the turn : " << tempScore << endl;  
    cout << endl;  
    while(gameObj.turn == 1){  
    roll = gameObj.getRandomNumber();  
    cout << "computer rolled number :" << roll << endl;  
    if(roll == 1 && tempScore < 20){  
      gameObj.turn = 0;  
      cout << "Rolled 1 computerTotal is :" << gameObj.computerTotal << endl;  
      return 0;  
    }else if(tempScore >=20){  
      if(gameObj.computerTotal >= LIMIT){  
       cout << "Computer wins :"<< endl;  
       cout << "computer Total :" << gameObj.computerTotal << " Human Total :" << gameObj.humanTotal << endl;  
      gameObj.turn = 0;  
      return tempScore;  
    tempScore = tempScore + roll;  
    cout << "Temporary Score of Computer in this Roll :" << tempScore;  
    cout << " | ";  
    cout << "Total temporary Score of Computer :" << gameObj.computerTotal + tempScore << endl;  
    if(gameObj.computerTotal + tempScore >= LIMIT){  
       cout << "Computer wins :"<< endl;  
       cout << "computer Total :" << gameObj.computerTotal + tempScore << " Human Total :" << gameObj.humanTotal << endl;  
 /*Function that simulates a Random Roll of a dice*/  
 int GameOfPigs1::getRandomNumber(){   
  return (rand()% 6) + 1;  
 int main(){   
  while(true) {    
   if(gameObj.turn == 0){ // human turn  
   gameObj.humanTotal = gameObj.humanTotal + gameObj.humanTurn(gameObj.humanTotal);  
   cout << "HumanTotal after this turn is :" << gameObj.humanTotal << endl;  
   if(gameObj.turn == 1){ // computer's turn  
   gameObj.computerTotal = gameObj.computerTotal + gameObj.computerTurn(gameObj.computerTotal);  
   cout << "computerTotal after this turn is :" << gameObj.computerTotal << endl;     

Output of the given Program :-


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My last team Building at Verisk - Into The Wild - Team Building Nov 26,2011 @ Chitwan National Park

November 2011: early morning departure

On the outset of our trip to Chitwan National Park, I wake up quite early at 6 o’clock in the morning. I was forced to wait for an hour by Saroj in a chilly morning at kalimati. Eventually he arrived with some sort of
a crazy excuse of being late. Nevertheless, let’s begin our excursion with Santosh and Subhash dai being the ones to turn up at earliest in VIT premises. No surprises, there were few who would be late. Milan dai was the last one and made us to wait for some time. Here we are at VIT. Left Kathmandu one hour late than our scheduled time.

On the Pictures

Narayani sunset            
elephant safari chitwan

roof top at Narayani
canoe in Narayani river

collage jungle island resort


The Collage

In the  Jungle


the Canoe


jungle island resort


Canoe in narayani River

Angry sudip

Group photo                     





On the trip we had a lot of fun apparently there were many Gorrila programmars on the bus. In the end after all the fun we had for two days, I felt that those two days we passed in Chitwan national Park were amongst the most memorable time of my entire life. Chitwan National park was well beyond my expectations. We enjoyed canoeing, elephants ride, jungle safari and beers in the night. Pratik, Saroj were the ones who were really high. I believe I was ok :)

Babins made a collage out of some pictures we took in the jungle. Evidently, he is seen in almost all photos.

Memorable events :-

Ashish  did not miss the show like previously
Pratik was very high follwed by Saroj
Poojan was the cheerLeader who also broke a cable wire from bus top
Missed Shamesh dai. He could not make it
Sudip splashed water at Rosy
Santosh was the Gump in the Forrest but a sleepy one
Tilak was attacked by the tiger when we were on the roof of the bus

Participants :- Navaraj awasti, Bishal Acharya, Santosh Pradhan, Eurika Manandhar, Rosy Sunuwar, Ashish Karki, Babins Shrestha, Milan Shrestha, Subhash Devkota, Biru Charan Sainju, Goonjan Shakya, Tilak Joshi, Sudip Agrawal, Niju Shrestha, Manish hada, Ram Kasula, Nitesh Bashnet, Priya Dangol, Bikesh babu Rajbanshi. (Engineers from Verisk Information Technologies)