Friday, December 28, 2012

Remembering my legacy from USA

High above the grounds, amongst the ivory clouds, over the thunderhead lies an ancient backwoods in the solitude of the wilderness con-centering the mighty Himalayas. The legend says that the landscape was created by the creator himself summoning the most privileged architect in his directorate. The fire of faith was illuminated by the gods over the vista creating the abode surrounded by perpetual spirituality in all directions. Over the period of time, the abode became a dwelling place of the devotees creating an emblematic tradition and heritage that ran deep inside the sanctified niche.

The culture mellowed through a history of religious legacies. It has been evolving to this day but it still looks as if the time was frozen in an eternal struggle with the change. A religious sanctuary on the top of the world. The enlightened himself dwelled this land sermonizing tranquility, conciliation, acquiescence & complacency. Where the living goddesses rules the land empowering faith amongst the plebeians. Where the temples & shrines are more in number than are the devotees, where the animals are esteemed as being the next to the deity. Where the temples are the first sight seen when dwelling outside. Blessed by the ancient gods, effigies are as common as the devotees themselves. Where the sun rises harmonizing with the mystifying sound of the morning bell, the meditative vibes fused with the divine sunrays is believed to take one to the gateway between the heaven and the earth. The hymn is believed to be an elixir to all the sufferings, torment and worldly perturbation. It's a call to the savior of the place to take care of its realm.

Never was I ever contemplating on such profound antecedents. Honestly, I have never before truly appreciated the annals of my ancestors and the pristine land they bestowed upon us. The truth today might deviate from what I have conceived above, nevertheless, even if the legend matches a quarter of what I believe, I would still say I am the luckiest person to have such a legacy behind. Today, I have been living in a wonderful country with incredible people and I feel proud to be part of it carrying something of my own.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Trip to the Natural Wonder of the World - The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon trip
Date :- 22nd December 2012
Start destination :- South Maryland Parkway - Las Vegas
End Destination :- South Rim Grand Canyon - Arizona
Travel duration :- 5 hours
City Traveled :- Williams - Arizona
Travellers : Bishal Acharya, Pratik Hada, Ashish Karki, Mahesh Regmee, Kishor Shrestha, Kabindra Shrestha, K.P Shrestha (Joseph), Ravi Sharma, Xurendra Shrestha, Binita Shakya

The myth once said there lies an esoteric world deep beneath the fathomless abyss. Where the mythical creatures ruled the sky, the earth and the water. The awaken woods were a home to the most mystical & malignant creatures confronting with them meant an implausible demise of ones fate. The protectors of the realm were the legendary warriors of the ancient hidden kingdom of Atlantis. However, the kingdom was jinxed with a curse. From the woods it arose within the cimmerian shade. In the darkest night the legion of ghouls, goblins, gargoyles, ogre & Hellions summoned by the abominable leech king of the woods blitzed upon the mystical land.

The legendary guardians of the Zion stood firm to protect it from the besiegers hurling upon to throw rampage on its realm. This marked the prelude to the never ending eternal war between the protectors and besiegers.

Far away in a blissful land aloof from all the turmoil lived a boy blessed he was being raised up in such an environment. But, his fate had a different intent. The harbinger to the inevitable finally arrived when without any clue one day the boy opened his eyes, bewitched by the sight beforehand he found himself in a mystical land. ooh dear ! where am I ? Spellbound by the landscape beforehand, submerged into the deep sea of conviviality he fell within himself. The midst of his deepest excitement was severed when he heard a boisterous flurry advancing towards him at the speed of a phantom. Distraught from the bizarre sound the boy screamed as if hell had impounded upon him.

ooh boy ! It was just the sound of the alarm 5 o'clock in the morning. Relieved as he knew it was just a dream. However, the myth was to become real today. The boy was going to a trip to a mystical land, deep beneath the biggest gorge in the world lied an ancient abyss, million years old. The sanctuary, the natural wonder is a habitat to a mesmerizing vegetation and a wonderful congregation of creatures no less than a mythical dream. The Grand Canyon. Finally, I am there.

Other Trips
Los Angeles Trip April 2012
Utah Trip-Hike 2012
Into the wild - Chitwan national park 2011
Hike To Sarangkot and RSR 2011
My Travel Directory - Places I have been to

Monday, December 24, 2012

वान वे

अतीतका सम्झना,  बिराटनगरको बाल्यकाल,    काठको घर,
सहिदमैदानको क्रिकेट, जलजलाको हिन्दि फिल्म, साउने झरी,
हिलाम्मे रिजालबारी, काली कुकुर्नी, काँचो आपको चोरी,
खद्राको अँध्यारो, खड्डाको माछामारी, बंगालीदादाको चट्पटि,
पेरेभुको सैलुन, पाउनको पसल, सिङग्यामा पौडी,
दशैंको पर्खाई, कालिमंदिरको दर्शन, मामाघरको बसाइ,
सेन्ट जोसेफ स्कुल, एडोल्फ सर, मुलघाटको पिकनिक,
यसयलसीको डर, बिज्ञानको पढाई, बिराटनगरको बिदाइ,
काठमाडौँको यात्रा, बानेश्वरको बसाई, पुल्चोकको हिडाई,
धुलाम्मे सडक, फोहोरको डङ्गुर, टाइफाइडको संक्रमण,
एण्ट्रान्सको असफलता, इंजिनीयरिंगको सिक्षा,
चार बर्से घोकाइ, कपनको बास, एक्जामको त्रास,
रिसल्ट्को पर्खाई, भक्तपुरको जात्रा, जापानको यात्रा,
टिआइएको भद्रगोल, कर्मचारीको व्यवहार, बोइङ्गको सफर,
वाक्कनाईको चिसो, समुद्रको हावा, टोक्योको यात्रा,
काँचो माछा, नेपालको फर्काई, डिटुको जागिर,
टिम बिल्डिंगको रमझम, बन्जीको रोमान्च,
अमेरिकाको सपना,टोफेल र जिआरइ, लस वेगासको रोजाइ
युनयलभीको पढाई, मस्तको घुमाई !

Other Poems