Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My last team Building at Verisk - Into The Wild - Team Building Nov 26,2011 @ Chitwan National Park

November 2011: early morning departure

On the outset of our trip to Chitwan National Park, I wake up quite early at 6 o’clock in the morning. I was forced to wait for an hour by Saroj in a chilly morning at kalimati. Eventually he arrived with some sort of
a crazy excuse of being late. Nevertheless, let’s begin our excursion with Santosh and Subhash dai being the ones to turn up at earliest in VIT premises. No surprises, there were few who would be late. Milan dai was the last one and made us to wait for some time. Here we are at VIT. Left Kathmandu one hour late than our scheduled time.

On the Pictures

Narayani sunset            
elephant safari chitwan

roof top at Narayani
canoe in Narayani river

collage jungle island resort


The Collage

In the  Jungle


the Canoe


jungle island resort


Canoe in narayani River

Angry sudip

Group photo                     





On the trip we had a lot of fun apparently there were many Gorrila programmars on the bus. In the end after all the fun we had for two days, I felt that those two days we passed in Chitwan national Park were amongst the most memorable time of my entire life. Chitwan National park was well beyond my expectations. We enjoyed canoeing, elephants ride, jungle safari and beers in the night. Pratik, Saroj were the ones who were really high. I believe I was ok :)

Babins made a collage out of some pictures we took in the jungle. Evidently, he is seen in almost all photos.

Memorable events :-

Ashish  did not miss the show like previously
Pratik was very high follwed by Saroj
Poojan was the cheerLeader who also broke a cable wire from bus top
Missed Shamesh dai. He could not make it
Sudip splashed water at Rosy
Santosh was the Gump in the Forrest but a sleepy one
Tilak was attacked by the tiger when we were on the roof of the bus

Participants :- Navaraj awasti, Bishal Acharya, Santosh Pradhan, Eurika Manandhar, Rosy Sunuwar, Ashish Karki, Babins Shrestha, Milan Shrestha, Subhash Devkota, Biru Charan Sainju, Goonjan Shakya, Tilak Joshi, Sudip Agrawal, Niju Shrestha, Manish hada, Ram Kasula, Nitesh Bashnet, Priya Dangol, Bikesh babu Rajbanshi. (Engineers from Verisk Information Technologies)